A long time ago, back before Xmas, even before the Great Ice Storm of 2013, but not by much, back on a rather unlucky day, there was an annual celebration happening! A 10th Annual Celebration for that matter! White Cowbell Oklahoma were marking their milkeestone anniversary, er 10th milestone anniversary of the WCO X-Mess with special guests Catl on unlucky Friday the 13th.
The pictures speak better then my words, enjoy a few hi-lites! At the bottom of this post are links to the full gallery of images from each band. Were you there? Leave a comment, thanks
you want more? Check out these links to all the images of each band.
White Cowbell Oklahoma @ Lee’s Gallery
Catl at Lee’s Gallery
Posted in club photography, country & western, folk, hard rock, Rock, rock n roll, roots
Tagged blues, country, lee's palace, local, rob ford, rock, rock n roll, the devil